“ording to obsrvations fro UM, O and tlbrg obsrvatory, C0 is approaching prihlion and its brightnss also rising rapidly. o this k ill b th bst ti to obsrv this t.
Thrfor, I on’t giv you any rquird radings, put off toorro’s lctur to nxt k and also ill put off th dadlin for your assignnt to 0 May, :. I hop you can spnd th hol k soaking up th ondr hich takn narly 00 yars to ncountr.
W hav lots of ti for rading and lcturs, but if issd th C0 this ti, can’t t it anyor. Non of us still aliv aftr yars.”
温颂又笑着说道:“I kno you’r all vry xcitd y kids. But kp in ind, for thos ho’ll obsrv in th fild, ak sur to kp yourslf stay ar and saf. It’s just :00 p and vry arly. o if any guys anna go to Tlbrg obsrvatory, you can also go skiing. No charg for tickts as usual.”
台下的学生们更加兴奋开心,立刻就有人对她说:“Thank you Profssor, lov you!”
温颂也十分开心的笑了,点点头说:“I also lov you.”
她把电脑装进包里走下讲台,走到了教室的最后面,轻轻敲了敲桌子,“ak up, class is ovr.”
温颂有些无语,自言自语般说了一句,“Ist in Klass so langilig? Das bst Wignlid?”
坐在Astrid身边的是温颂的研究助理Ilona,Astrid身上还盖着她的外套,她笑着对温颂说:“Nin, Profssor, ir all haltn Ihr Vorlsung für di intrssantst. Abr hrlich gsagt, ist si zu koplizirt und abstrakt für in -j??hrigs Kind.”
Ilona立刻上前询问温颂是否需要帮助,温颂谢过了她的好意,压低了声音说:“No thanks, h’ll ak up soon.”
果不其然,温颂刚抱着Astrid离开教室,她就醒了过来,揉了揉眼睛问道:“Maa, Ist dr Untrricht vorbi? Ich hatt inn langn, langn, langn Trau... und sah in gro??s scharzs Loch…”
温颂也笑了,把她放了下来,蹲下身用湿巾擦了擦她有些发懵的小脸,故作难过的说:“Astrid, I’ so sad, you dfinitly didn’t listn to . Caus I said in th lctur, th gravitational pull of a black hol is so strong that it sallos vrything around it, and light has no ay to scap.
Unlss us an array of radio tlscops to bin a tlscop ith an aprtur th siz of th arth, can captur a pictur of black hol, but thats not th ral iag of black hol ithr. o, hony, tll aa, did you rally listn y lctur carfully?